Как называется город или деревня, чтобы слушать английский язык?


CAE Listening Part 4

You will hear five short extracts in which people are talking about an occasion when they came into contact with a well-known celebrity.

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For this task: Answer Keys :: Tapescript

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I Прослушайте людей, говорящих о том как они сталкивались со сложными задачами и соедините говорящих (1-5) с высказываниями (А-Е)

А Говорящему нравится ставить себе новые цели.

В Говорящий верит, что быть перспективным человеком это ключевой пункт при преодолении испытаний.

С Говорящий требует от себя бороться со своими страхами.

D Говорящий сделал что-то, что он не думал, что сможет сделать.

Е Говорящий справился со своими проблемами при помощи своей семьи и друзей.

Интервьюер: Я поговорил с некоторыми людьми по поводу того, как они справляются со своими проблемами, и вот что они сказали.

Говорящий 1: (молодая девушка) (С)

Когда мои друзья попросили меня пойти заняться скалолазанием, я не была уверена, потому что я боюсь высоты. Но я решила быть смелой и попытаться. Это было жутко, но когда я добралась до верха, я почувствовала чувство настоящего достижения. На следующей неделе, я попробую парашют. Я считаю, что важно делать себе вызов, как бы это не пугало вас.

Говорящий 2: (мужчина) (Е)

Серьезная травма действительно меняет вашу жизнь. Я сильно не помню о происшествии, но я помню, как проснулся в больничной палате с двумя сломанными ногами и ушибом позвоночника. Сейчас, спустя 6 месяцев, я, наконец, полностью восстановился, но я не думаю, что мне бы удалось сделать это без поддержки и одобрения тех, кто рядом со мной.

Говорящий 3: (женщина) (D)

Я очень близка со своей семьей. Так близка, что жить в другой стране было чем-то, с чем, я думала, что не смогу справиться. Но когда мне исполнилось 18, мне пришлось поехать заграницу учиться. Я думала, что я буду скучать по своей семье так сильно, и что мне придется оставить институт до того, как я получу степень. Я никогда не могла представить, что смогу сделать это сама. Но, я осталась, и все закончилось тем, что я полюбила это.

Говорящий 4: (молодой парень) (А)

Это очень приятно делать вещи, которые сначала кажутся почти невозможными. Вот почему, как только я заканчиваю свое первое испытание, я иду к следующему, более сложному. Например, в прошлом году я пробежал пол марафона. В этом году, я тренируюсь, чтобы пробежать целый марафон. В следующем году, я хочу залезть на самую высокую гору в Великобритании.

Говорящий 5: (женщина) (В)

Я всегда верила, что позитивное мышление играет важную роль в жизни человека. Мне пришлось встретиться с множеством сложностей, и я поняла, что лучший способ справиться с ними успешно – это иметь позитивное отношение. То, как мы думаем о чем-то имеет сильное влияние на то, как мы чувствуем и на то, как мы ведем себя, так, если вы верите в свои способности достигать чего-то и надеетесь на лучшее, хорошие вещи, вероятно, произойдут с вами.

1. Label the pictures. Use the words below.

shopping centre     street     traffic     valley     village     wood

1) _____.

2) _____.

3) _____.

5) _____.

6) _____.

7) _____.

8) _____.

9) _____.

10) _____.

11) _____.

12) _____.

Как называется город или деревня, чтобы слушать английский язык?

Как называется город или деревня, чтобы слушать английский язык?

1) village   2) valley   3) hill   4) wood   5) field   6) farm

11) crowd   12) street

Sometimes it isn’t necessary to understand all of the details when you listen, as long as you understand the main ideas. In these cases, focus on what you need to know and do not worry if you do not understand every word.

2. Read the Listening Strategy. Then listen to three people. What are they talking about? Match them with the correct topic (a-c).

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1) Jonnie

2) Ian

a a town

b a library

c a cinema

3) Milla

a a hotel

c a shopping centre

1) b   2) c   3) c

1) Jonnie The noise starts at 7.30 outside window. I can see everyone going to work in the centre of town. It’s very busy for two hours, then it gets quieter. At five o’clock the noise gets louder again with all the cars and buses with people going home.

2) Ian We go there every weekend, and we usually go in a big group. We like to watch action films or comedies. We sometimes buy sweets and fizzy drinks to eat and drink during the film.

3) Milla It’s always busy, especially at the weekends. I like it like that. There’s always something to see or do. friends and I go there by bus as often as possible in our free time. But it’s easy to spend too much money on shopping and pizza!

3. Listen and match speakers (1-4) with the sentences (a-e). There is one extra sentence. Remember not to worry if you don’t understand everything.

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Which speaker ___

a is showing visitors his/her new house in the country?

b explains what there is to do where he/she lives?

c is giving a tour of a town?

d would like to live in the country?

e wants to go on holiday to a city?

4. Listen again and answer the questions.

1) Which country would speaker 1 like to visit?

2) Which buildings does speaker 2 mention?

3) Which does speaker 3 prefer, her old home or her new home?

4) Why does speaker 4 dislike the place where he lives now?

1) Spain 2) town hall, library  3) her new home

4) Because it’s busy, noisy and dirty.

Speaker 1 I love museums and art galleries. I like history and beautiful buildings. I’ve got a few days off work, and plan is to go to Barcelona with a friend. I can also speak the language and I especially love the food, so I can’t wait!

Speaker 2 Look out of the window on your right and you can see a large lake between the trees and flowers of our beautiful park. In a moment on your left you can see the main street with the town hall at the end. Now, we’re going to the centre where you can see the famous library. It’s one of the oldest buildings here.

Speaker 3 Come in and through here into the garden. It’s really pretty, don’t you think? Now go through this door. Do you like it? It’s smaller than last home, but it’s more comfortable and so much nicer. Look out of the window and you can see trees and fields. It’s a wonderful view!

Speaker 4 I really don’t like it here. It’s busy, noisy and dirty. I’d prefer to live somewhere more beautiful and more peaceful. I’d like to see open spaces and green everywhere. I’d like to see hills, woods and fields. That’s ideal place to live.

Most of the questions in a multiple-choice task ask you to find specific information in a recording. Sometimes a question asks you about the gist which is the main idea or general meaning of a whole recording.

1. Read the Strategy. Then look at questions 1-5 in exercise 2. Which question asks about gist? _________

2. Listen to a radio programme about the best city to live in. Choose the correct answer, A, B or C.

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1) According to the study by The Economist, the best cities to live in are all

a capital cities.

b cities where only a few people live.

c medium-sized cities.

2) In this particular list,

a Helsinki is in a higher position than Zurich.

b Zurich and Helsinki are in the same position.

c Helsinki is lower then Zurich.

3) The country with the most cities in the top ten is

c New Zealand.

4) Melbourne gets full marks in

a health and environment.

b transport and health.

c health and education.

5) The aim of the radio programme is to

a describe the best cities that people live in.

b inform listeners about the best cities to live in.

c encourage listeners to vote on the best cities to live in.

1) C   2) B   3) A   4) C   5) B

Presenter Every year, The Economist magazine makes a list of the best cities in the world to live in. Gloria Cooke is with us today to tell us about the latest list. Gloria, what kind of cities are at the top?

Gloria Well, they’re all cities that are more or less the same size: not very big, but not very small, either. Quite a lot of people live there, but they aren’t very crowded. There are only two capital cities at the top, for example.

p Which ones?

g Vienna, capital of Austria, and the capital of Finland: Helsinki.

p Are there any other European cities in the top ten, Gloria?

g Yes, there’s one more: Zurich in Switzerland. Zurich has the same number of points as Helsinki, so they’re both tenth. That means we’re talking about the top eleven cities here, not the top ten.

p Right. So, where are the other cities in the top eleven?

g We’ve got Auckland in New Zealand at number nine, and then the rest are either in Australia or Canada. Australia has four in the top eleven and Canada has three.

p How interesting! So, Gloria, the moment we’ve all been waiting for: which is the best city to live in?

g According to The Economist, it’s Melbourne, Australia. The study says that Melbourne has fantastic schools and excellent medical care – the city got 100 out of 100 in these two categories.

p Melbourne! Nice! Gloria Cooke, thanks for joining us.

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Как называется город или деревня, чтобы слушать английский язык?

Recent Quizzes

G Прослушайте нескольких людей, говорящих на радио программе об особенных событиях и соедините говорящих (1-5) с высказываниями (А-Е)

А Это событие длится 7 дней.

В Это событие сигнализирует окончание детства

С Мы выглядим очень ярко во время этого события.

D Это событие уходит корнями в средневековые времена.

Е Мы становимся очень мокрыми во время этого празднования.

Я спрашивал молодых людей об особенных событиях в их стране, и как они празднуют их.

Говорящий 1: (молодая женщина) (В)

В Боливии, шестнадцатый день рождения очень важен. Девушка надевает белое платье и танцует свой первый танец с отцом или дедушкой. Она также танцует с другими 15ти партнерами, так как каждый танец представляет один год из ее жизни. Это признак того, что она становится женщиной.

Говорящий 2: (мужчина) (С)

Холи, индийский фестиваль цветов проводится каждый год в Индии примерно в конце февраля или в начале марта. Все бросают друг в друга синие, зеленые и желтые порошки во второй день Холи. На самом деле, ваша одежда никогда не будет прежней! Это все очень весело и люди верят, что порошки забирают все болезни.

Говорящий 3: (мужчина) (Е)

Люди в Тайланде празднуют новый год, обливая друг друга. Сонкран, тайский Новый Год встречается каждый год в середине апреля. Тайские люди и посетители используют ведра, чаши, садовые шланги, водные пистолеты, и даже слоны несут воду.

Фестиваль Лас Фаллас это праздник длиной в неделю в середине Марта, который отмечает день Святого Джозефа громкой музыкой, вечеринками, и огненными танцами и огромными открытыми кострами, где люди рассказывают истории из прошлого. Многие люди наряжаются в традиционные костюмы, хотя и современные костюмы распространены. Фестиваль кончается замечательным фейерверком.

Говорящий 5: (мужчина) (D)

Карнавал Иврея в Италии включает в себя фантастические уличные вечеринки и парады, но что отличает его от других карнавалов, так это апельсиновые битвы, где люди делятся на специальные команды и кидаются друг в друга апельсинами. Это пришло из традиции, которая началась в Средние века, когда местные жители кидали фасоль, который местный правитель раздавал беднякам на улицах, чтобы выразить свое неудовлетворение.

G Прослушайте людей, говорящий по мобильным телефонам и соедините говорящих (1-5) с высказываниями (А-Е)

А Я всего лишь делаю короткие телефонные звонки по своему мобильному телефону.

В Я чувствую, что мне очень нужен мой мобильный.

С Я трачу много денег на свой мобильный телефон

D Мне не нравится то, как люди выражают текстовые сообщения

Е Мобильные телефоны хороши по причинам безопасности.

Интервьюер: Мы опросили некоторых людей, чтобы они рассказали нам, что они думают о мобильных телефонах, и вот, что они сказали.

Говорящий 1: (мужчина) (В)

Мобильные телефоны это здорово, но есть несколько вещей в них, которые мне не нравятся. Например, мне они не нравятся, потому что я всегда хочу проверить свой телефон, чтобы посмотреть, есть ли сообщение. Также, мне не нравится, когда я паникую, что рядом со мной нет телефона. Я не думаю, что это хорошо, что я надеюсь так сильно на этот гаджет!

Говорящий 2: (женщина) (С)

Мне нравится мой мобильный телефон. Главным образом, я использую его, чтобы отправлять сообщения своим друзьям. Я, вероятно, отправляю от 100 до 2200 текстовых сообщений в неделю. Однако, это дорого, отправлять так много сообщений. У меня большой счет за телефон каждый месяц. Но мне все равно, потому это стоит того, чтобы поддерживать контакт со своими друзьями.

Говорящий 3: (женщина) (А)

Некоторые люди говорят, что мобильные телефоны могут являться причиной болезней. Они говорят, что они опасны из-за излучения. Я не знаю, правда ли это, чтобы обезопасить себя, я использую свой мобильный телефон для быстрых переговоров. Если я знаю, что у меня будет долгий разговор, я использую обычный телефон.

Говорящий 4: (девушка подросток) (Е)

Мобильные телефоны одно из лучших изобретений. Не важно, где я есть, я могу всегда связаться со своими родителями, если мне нужна помощь. Это заставляет меня, а также моих родителей чувствовать себя в безопасности. Они беспокоятся обо мне меньше, потому что они знают, что могут связаться со мной в любое время.

Есть одна вещь, которая действительно раздражает меня в мобильных телефонах. Это связано с текстовыми сообщениями. Мне не нравится, как люди сокращают каждое слово, которое могут, и пишут слова неправильно. Иногда вы даже не можете понять, что кто-то написал, потому что нет ни одного слова в их тексте, как должно быть правильно написано!

Answer Keys

Grace: Hi there. My name’s Grace Connolly and I’m just back from a fantastic trip to New Zealand. It really was the trip of a lifetime, and I’d like to tell you all about it.

Part 3

Как называется город или деревня, чтобы слушать английский язык?

The old, print-friendly test

Part 1

You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer (A, В or C).

1 You hear a person talking about a recently constructed road. What do they think about the road? A They believe it will make shopping trips longer. B They approve of it. C They are concerned about the environmental impact.

2 You hear someone talking about their education. What did they study? A Medicine B Fine arts C Science

3 You hear a man talking to another person. Who is he talking to? A a client B a student C a janitor

4 You hear a woman and her neighbour talking. What does the woman want her neighbour to do? A look after a pet B feed her child C water her plants

5 You hear a woman planning to go to a beauty parlour. What is she doing there? A getting her hair done B having her nails done C getting a massage

6 You hear a conversation between two colleagues. Why is the woman upset? A Something went missing. B Something got wet. C Something is broken.

7 You hear a technician talking about a broken computer. When will it be repaired? A Friday B Monday C Tuesday

8 You hear a woman talking about her commute to work. How does she feel about it? A It makes her relaxed. B It stresses her. C It is very long.

Как называется город или деревня, чтобы слушать английский язык?

1 You hear a student asking the lecturer something. The student would like the lecturer to A repeat one of the words. B give an explanation of something. C repeat an important point.

2 You hear a politician giving an interview. What is the name of their political party? A Social Liberal Democrats. B Liberal Democratic Party. C Christian Democratic Alliance.

3 You hear hotel staff talking to a client on the telephone. They are unable to provide a room because A the hotel is fully booked. B the facilities are inadequate. C the customer expects to have better service.

4 You hear a mother talking to her child. She is A warning the child about something. B explaining something to the child. C reprimanding the child.

5 You hear a woman talking about her problem with an audio recorder. Now the woman is A angry. B worried. C satisfied.

6 You overhear a man ordering a cab. He lives is at A 269 Radleigh Road. B 69 Rudleigh Road. C the Half-way Hotel.

7 You overhear a man talking about ticket prices. The man paid A £6.50. B £16.50. C £5.60.

8 You hear a radio presented introducing a song. He A likes the song very much. B never liked the song. C is less keen on the song now.

Как называется город или деревня, чтобы слушать английский язык?

1 You hear a man talking to an optician about his glasses. What does he need the glasses for? A reading B driving C watching TV

2 You hear a tour guide talking to a group of people. Where are they? A a library B a historic house C an art gallery

3 You hear a woman talking to her doctor. What does he think she might need? A tablets to stay calm B a heart operation C new glasses

4 You hear a man talking about healthy eating. What does he suggest? A eating a large breakfast B eating a sandwich for lunch C eating a big meal in the evening

5 You hear a girl talking about a recent holiday. Why did she come back early? A because she didn’t like the hotel B because something of hers was stolen C because she was disappointed with the island

6 You hear a weather forecast on the radio. Which part(s) of England will have the heaviest rainfall? A London and south-east B northern C western and central

7 You have lost some money and you telephone the lost property office. You hear a recorded message. What does the message tell you to do? A to call in at the office between 9 AM and 5 PM B to contact the police to make a statement C to contact your bank immediately

8 You hear a man talking about a new photocopier. What is his problem with it? A Too many people want to use it. B It is too slow and gets too hot. C It does not copy colour sheets correctly.

Как называется город или деревня, чтобы слушать английский язык?

1 You hear a man telling a police officer about a robbery he saw. What was stolen? A watches B silver vases C jewellery

2 You hear a doctor examining a patient. What is wrong with the patient? A a sore throat B a swollen eye C a bad cut

3 You hear a man talking to a colleague. What does he want her to do for him? A send a fax B attend a meeting C make some photocopies

4 You hear a husband and wife talking about their plans for a trip. When are they going to leave? A Wednesday B Friday C Saturday

5 You hear two co-workers discussing plans for something. What are they trying to arrange? A a meeting B a party C lunch

6 You hear a woman phoning to make a doctor’s appointment. When will she see the doctor? A this Wednesday B this Friday C next Wednesday

7 You hear a student talking about his school books. Where did he leave them? A in the library B at school C at home

8 You hear a husband and wife discussing what to call their new baby. What name do they choose? A Stuart B Gregory C Steven

Как называется город или деревня, чтобы слушать английский язык?

1 You are watching TV and you hear this advertisement. The speaker is encouraging you A to maintain your car’s tyres. B to watch out for children crossing. C not to drink and drive.

2 You overhear these two people discussing a football match. The speakers A support different teams. B both support Manchester United. C both support Liverpool.

3 You are out shopping when you pass a man in the street selling something. The item he is selling is A not available elsewhere. B cheaper than elsewhere. C cheaper because it is damaged.

4 You are at a wedding reception when a man starts to make a speech. The speaker is A the best friend of the groom. B the father of the bride. C the groom.

5 Listen to this person speaking about a recent holiday. The speaker complains about A the holiday company. B the country she visited. C the whole holiday.

6 You are in an office when you hear a woman making this telephone call. The speaker complains about A being given the wrong supplies. B the lateness of the delivery. C having paid too much.

7 You hear a friend telephoning a sandwich delivery company. The speaker is ordering A 2 sandwiches. B 3 sandwiches. C 4 sandwiches.

8 You are watching the evening news on TV when you hear this item about Dino the dog. Dino A went to find his owners. B travelled to his original home. C got lost.

Как называется город или деревня, чтобы слушать английский язык?

1 You hear a man giving a lecture. What subject is he talking about? A geography B tourism C history

2 You hear an advertisement on the radio. What is being advertised? A a breakdown service B a garage C a car insurance policy

3 You hear a TV commentary on a sports event. What event is it? A a car race B a horse race C a cycle race

4 You hear a woman talking on the telephone. Who does she work for? A a building company B a restaurant C a hotel

5 You hear an announcement at a train station. How can passengers get to Swansea Airport? A travel in the front three carriages only B take a shuttle bus from Newport station C take a buffet car from Cardiff

6 You hear a shopkeeper talking to a customer called Mrs Figg. What does Mrs Figg buy? A cotton wool B fruit C vegetables

7 You hear a young man talking about himself. What is he like? A skilful B reserved C sociable

8 You hear a young woman talking about her holiday. What was the best thing about it? A eating local food B talking to local people C travelling by plane

Как называется город или деревня, чтобы слушать английский язык?

1 You overhear a man talking about an experience he had at an airport. What did he lose? A his passport B his wallet C a piece of luggage

2 You hear an advertisement on the radio. What is special about the Fretlight guitar? A It plays recorded music. B It teaches you how to play. C It plugs into a computer.

3 You hear part of a radio programme. What is the presenter talking about? A food safety B meal times C healthy recipes

4 You hear two people discussing a type of pollution. What do the speakers agree about? A the best way to solve the problem B how they feel about this type of pollution C how they reacted to the solution they saw

5 You hear a conversation between a shop assistant and a customer about a compact disc. What was the cause of the problem? A The customer gave the wrong number. B A mistake was made on the order form. C The disc was incorrectly labelled.

6 You overhear a conversation at a football game. What does the speaker say about his team? A They’re better than usual. B They’re as good as he expected. C They tend to be unlucky.

7 You overhear a schoolgirl talking to her friend. What does she think about her new teacher? A He is clever. B He is funny. C He is interesting.

8 In a hotel you overhear a conversation. Who is the woman? A a tour guide B a tourist C a hotel receptionist

Как называется город или деревня, чтобы слушать английский язык?

1 You overhear some people talking at a party in a hotel. Where did the people first meet each other? A at school B at work C at a wedding

2 You overhear a conversation in a restaurant. Why haven’t they seen each other lately? A He has been too busy. B He has been ill. C He has been away.

3 You overhear someone talking about a concert. How did she feel at the time? A angry B frightened C disappointed

4 You hear a writer of children’s stories talking about books and compact discs. What advantage does he think books have over compact discs? A They may last for a longer time. B They are easier to look after. C They contain better quality material.

5 You hear a husband and wife talking about their summer holidays. What problem do they have? A They really hate flying anywhere. B They can never think of anywhere to go. C They never agree about what to do.

6 You hear a researcher being asked about her work. What is she doing when she speaks? A denying an accusation B disproving a theory C accepting a criticism

7 You overhear a woman talking to a friend on a train. What does the woman think of the course she has attended? A It has made her feel more confident. B It has made her feel less confident. C It hasn’t made much difference to how she feels.

8 You overhear a woman speaking on the radio. What is she doing? A complaining about something B apologising for something C explaining something

Как называется город или деревня, чтобы слушать английский язык?

1 You are in a supermarket when you hear this announcement about a lost child. He last saw his mother A in the butcher’s area. B in the pet food area. C in the fruit and vegetable area.

2 You are in an electrical shop when you overhear this woman speaking to the shop assistant. She is complaining because A she was charged the wrong amount. B the same item is cheaper elsewhere. C the item was damaged.

3 You overhear a woman talking on the telephone. Next Thursday the woman is going to A travel by coach. B travel by plane. C travel by train.

4 Listen to a policeman talking to a householder. He wants to A speak to another member of the household. B speak to the householder. C speak to a neighbour

5 You are listening to the host of a radio phone-in programme speaking. Mary, the first caller, is A a married woman with a child. B a single woman with a child. C a regular listener.

6 You have joined a four-day sailing course in Britain. Listen to your instructor giving some important information. He is talking about A drinking water. B salt water. C running out of water.

7 You overhear two people talking at a bus stop. The two speakers A are both familiar with the war memorial. B are taking different buses. C are going to the same place.

8 You overhear a man chatting on the telephone about a form he has to fill in. The man is speaking to A his wife. B his mother. C his daughter.

Как называется город или деревня, чтобы слушать английский язык?

1 You hear two answerphone messages. After the messages, what is Nick supposed to do? A visit his mother B take his mother to Blackpool C phone Jenny

2 You hear an advertisement for a supermarket. What does it suggest you should buy? A Asdaway products B popular products C half-price products

3 You hear a short news item. Why did a doctor stop at Alan’s house? A His car had broken down. B He was lost. C The house was on fire.

4 You hear a girl talking to her mother. What does she think of her mother’s suggestions? A One dish is too fattening. B One dish needs too much cooking. C One dish is too complicated.

5 You hear a receptionist talking on the phone. Where does she work? A a college B an accountant s office C a doctor’s surgery

6 You hear someone addressing a crowd of people. Where are they? A at a building site B at a road accident C outside a burning building

7 You hear two men, Alan and Jim, talking about a tree. Who will keep the tree? A Alan B Jim C Steve

8 You hear a chef on a TV cookery programme. Why doesn’t she make brownies very often? A They are hard to resist. B They are too moist. C They are very heavy

‘We be there,’ he promised.

He promised they be there.

will becomes would

She said, ‘I need more money.’

‘ I open it?’ she asked.

She said she need more money.

She asked if she open it.

shall usually becomes would

in reported questions, shall becomes should

‘I see you at 2.30,’ he added.

can becomes could

‘I be back later,’ she said.

‘You wait in the hallway,’ he said.

She said she be back later.

He said we wait in the hallway.

may (possibility) becomes might

may (permission) becomes could

She said, ‘You pay by 30th April.’

‘It be awful to live in such a noisy place,’ she said.

She said we pay by 30th April.

She said it be awful to live in such a noisy place.

must (obligation) usually becomes had to

must (speculation) does not change

‘We sell it for about 2,000 euros,’ he said.

He said they sell it for about 2,000 euros.

‘You go there immediately,’ she said.

She said I go there immediately.

‘I buy it if I had the money,’ he said.

He said he buy it if he had the money.

‘It snow tonight,’ he warned.

He warned that it snow that night.

‘You come till six o’clock,’ he said.

He said we come till six o’clock.

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